Comic Format: In Real Life
In Real Life is a graphic novel by Jen Wang, following a girl named Anda on a virtual journey full of swords, gold, and very real moral choices. Like Scott Pilgrim, it utilizes the video game menus, inventories, and health bars to tell its story, but in a much softer, more pastel way. While in many ways the genre is the same; a young protagonist in a world influenced by video game rules must grow to become a better person, In Real Life deals with heavier subjects, and it’s more elegant, fluid style reflects that.
Wang’s illustrations are appealing both to readers interested in gaming, and those looking for a riveting fantasy story. This type of comic attracts a wide audience, whether it’s those sparked by a sense of nostalgia, someone with an appreciation for video games, or someone with an eye for good illustration. As an artist who enjoys sticking her fingers in a lot of different pies, I really love the idea of making a story that refuses to confine itself to one genre. This way, I can reach a multitude of different tastes while focusing on multiple things I like. It’s a win for all parties involved…provided I don’t lose the plot.
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