The Plan

Rationale: To produce a short sci-fi/fantasy graphic novel, using video game elements and a colourful band of rogues to tell a story to appeal to a young adult audience, and to double as a portfolio of sorts.

Aim: I want to use this graphic novel to showcase my skills at character design, narrative, and environmental design for potential employers, while also creating a story that people can enjoy on its own. 
Objective: If all goes according to plan, by the end of my preparation period I will have:


A storyboard and plot outline, along with fully developed character introductions.


Secondary research consisting of-


·      comics that use similar layouts and themes, see In Real Life, Scott Pilgrim, Johnny Wander, and Roly Poly for a few key examples.


·      pattern in technology and textile


·      unusual and colourful terrain for environmental inspiration


·      game UI throughout different genres and eras


·      costume in myth


·      observational drawings- studies of the main cast, insects, woven patterns, masks, festival currency, prosthetics, location, architecture, etc.


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